The Comment Blog

This blog contains links to comments posted on the blogs of other students

Comment #1: Guy Dimor – Wendigo

Link: Comment on Guy Dimor’s blog


Hello Guy, this is Jesper from Vampire!
After nine years of development, hopefully this comment would have been worth the wait.

I think that you managed to properly communicate the process you went through when searching for a solution for the spawning of the enemies in your game. As a programmer myself I always enjoy seeing that the initially thought out solution ended up working in the end, all be it with a few changes.
I would say that you show a good understanding of the original concept of the game based on the fact that you took the desired aesthetic goal into consideration when designing the behavior of the enemies.
All in all I would consider this a well written blog post. You clearly communicate what you have been working on as well as bring up the issues you faced while doing so. This blog post provide useful information for future reference and will surely be helpful to anyone trying to find the solution for the same problem.
Well done!

Comment #2: Adam Olsson – Zombie

Link: Comment on Adam Olsson’s blog


Hello, Adam! This is Jesper from Vampire

One rather significant issue I have with this blog post is the sentence structure and grammar used, since it forced me to read some sections over and over again to understand them.
The subject of this particular blog post is, as you mention towards the end, indeed interesting. Linecasting is something very useful within Unity, and it is good that you decided to explore it early on. I would even go as far as saying that this blog would have helped me in my development if I have had the time to read it earlier. You mention early on in the blog that you ”upgraded” the AI of your bees, but you never clearly communicate why. This is not a big issue in any way, but some context as to why you upgraded the AI would have helped.

As previously mentioned, I would recommend that you make sure to proof read you posts and work on the structure of the sentences for future posts. Other than that I would consider this a helpful post that serves a purpose for anyone who needs dynamic detection in their future projects.

Well done!



Comment #3: Marcus Ford – Archon

Link: Comment on Marcus Ford’s blog


Hello, Marcus. This is Jesper from Vampire.

You mention several interesting effects that Scrum has had on your group dynamic, but slightly less of the effects it has had on the development. You do, however, clearly communicate these effects and the clean structure of the post makes it very easy to follow along.

Let’s get to the content, shall we?
It is interesting to read about how you first had to adapt to using Scrum, and how you considered it a hard process. Mentioning this help communicate that there is more to Scrum than just following a time table. You mention that you found a source of motivation in Scrum since it gave you the satisfaction of being able to “turn a no into a yes”. I completely agree with you that just being able to change a no into a yes can be very motivating since it provides positive visual feedback as well as a sense of progress .

All in all, I would say that this is a well written, well structured, and informative blog post. It is always nice to get some insight into other teams and how different aspects of development have affected them.

Well done!


Comment #4: Konrad Skagerberg – Bugbear

Link: Comment on Konrad Skagerberg’s blog


Hello, Konrad. This is Jesper from Vampire.

This is quite an interesting blog post you have here! You clearly communicate what you have been working with as well as support your design desicions using the goal and the desired feeling you want the player to have.
You mention that this wrapping system would help create a sense of exploration. While I understand your reasoning regarding this statement, I must disagree. Since you do not specify a specific kind of exploration, I will assume that you are talking about spacial exploration for the sake of this argument. When you have segments that you loop in the way you do, it usually doesn’t take too long before the player catches on and realizes that he/she is simply just exploring the same area over and over again. This would, in my opinion, remove the sense of discovery and therefore jeopardize the sense of exploration as well.

This post is well written over all, and you clearly communicate to the reader what you have done, how you have done it, and why you have done it. This post is surely useful for anyone who wants to create a similar system in the future, purely based on how well you communicate what has been done.

Well done!


Comment #5: Siri Blückert – Cockatrice

Link: Comment on Siri Blückert’s blog


Hello, Siri. This is Jesper from Vampire.
I decided to comment on your blog since, at the time of this comment, your programmers have no post for me to comment on.

You stress the importance of playtesting throughout the blog post and you also provide concrete examples of how it has been beneficial to your development. As a programmer, I agree that playtests are very important since the risk of the developers themselves missing something crucial is fairly significant. You bring merit to this claim by bringing up the technical feedback you received regarding the camera, and how you as developers never considered it an issue yourselves.

The blog post is well structured, which makes it very easy to follow along. You mention that there are different purposes of playtests, define these purposes, and then connect them to feedback you have received yourselves. This is a great way to keep a clear connection throughout the text and give a sense that everything is tied together. You clearly communicate the content and purpose of this blog post from beginning to end.

All in all, this is an informative and well written blog post.



Comment #6: Hangning Zhang – Devourer

Link: Comment on Hangning Zhang’s blog


Hello, Hangning. This is Jesper from Vampire.

I must say that I really enjoyed reading your blog post. You are able to conclude your thoughts on the project as a whole in a good way. As a member of the team who created the concept for Aetherial, I really appreciate all the screenshots you provided. It is really nice to see how you and your group interpreted and then executed the concept.

It is very interesting to read how you have developed as a programmer throughout the project. You mention that it felt good to be able to say that something would be easy to implement instead of wanting to find easier solutions. As a programmer myself, I have experienced the same thing.

The only critique I have regarding this blog post is the structure of some sentences and some minor grammar mistakes. Sometimes it looks like you just missed some typos rather than making actual mistakes, but some sentences could be improved. Apart from these minor issues I really enjoy your post.

All in all I would say that you ended the project on a high note considering the blog. I wish you the best of luck in your future projects and in your personal development as a programmer.

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